Welcome: EPC Covid-19
Eastminster is conducting in-person worship and has established health and safety guidelines to minimize the risk of transmission of Covid. Please continue to ensure that you are familiar with the CDC guidelines as they relate to your particular situation and take action accordingly.
If you prefer to stay home we invite you to join us virtually in worship each Sunday morning at 10 am via Facebook or YouTube. We all know that the church is not a building, but a family of believers who share the love of Christ with each other and our community. There continue to be opportunities for connection and spiritual growth through our education and fellowship groups, which you can find out more about by signing up for our weekly newsletter.
- Notification of potential exposure: In the event that we are notified of a congregant testing positive for Covid, we will ask that congregant to help us inform those who may have been exposed through close contact as defined by the CDC.
- Media: We will be utilizing our large overhead screens for our worshipers to follow
along as needed. We are providing printed bulletins as well We will continue to email an order of worship. The livestream worship will be recorded and posted onand
If you have questions about any of this, please contact one of our church staff or elders.