Network 6:2
Have you ever had a time in your life when……..
- Everyone in your family was sick?
- You needed to get food on the table?
- You’re in a relationship with a family struggling to make ends meet and didn’t know where to turn for resources?
Unfortunately, these situations occur all too frequently right here in our community.
Despite the fact that God calls us to bear on another’s burdens, many of us are wrestling with a sense of disconnectedness. We don’t always know when someone needs help, and we don’t feel comfortable asking for support for ourselves.
Eastminster launched Network 6:2 as a way to address these issues. This support system allows everyone to give assistance as they are able and ask for help when they need it. Everyone at Eastminster has a gift to share in living out or calling to serve one another.
To Request Support, do one of the following:
- Call 864-284-0190, hit #2, then 162 to leave a message, or
- Send an email to
If you can’t help this time (or any time), that’s okay too. Sometimes it’s helpful just to be aware and pray for the struggles that our congregation and community are facing.