Missions and Outreach
Hunger Offering
Cafe Justo
Summer Food Drive
Since 2019 the EPC congregation has engaged in an annual food drive during the months of June and July. Contributions of shelf-stable, non-perishable food items and canned goods are donated to community agencies working to reduce food insecurity and hunger among our neighbors in need.
Alternative Gifts Fair
During the Christmas season, we offer an Alternative Gifts Fair, which allows people to purchase unique hand made items, make donations to various organizations in someone’s name and buy gifts from crafts people in our congregation and in the community. A portion of the profits support our various Ministry programs.
Angel Tree
Our Angel Tree will support students from Communities In Schools of South Carolina with Christmas gifts. CIS is a school based non profit that serves students and their families with resources and support programs. Members of the congregation sponsor students by providing basic needs and Christmas gifts.