Welcome: Education


Session Committee
Educational Groups
Our educational groups and activities are either in person, via Zoom only, a hybrid of in person along with Zoom, or to be watched on Youtube or Facebook.  Check the newsletter and Monday Educational Group email for more information, Zoom links, and updates.
Children’s Ministry
Tuesday Zoom Story Time! (up to 5th grade)
 All children up to 5th grade are invited to join Joan on Zoom each Tuesday at 6:30pm for Story Time. We will share a bible story, a children’s book, a time of catching up and visiting with our church friends, and end in prayer.  See the Monday group email for Zoom link.
Taste and See (up to 5th grade)
All children and families are invited to join us for “Taste and See” on Oct. 9, Nov. 13, and Dec. 11. We will gather in the Eastminster kitchen at 9:00am to share a scripture, an activity, and some cooking. Please reply to joan@eastminster.com by the Thursday before each session to let her know you are coming. Let us gather and celebrate as we “Taste and See that the Lord is Good.”
Youth Group (6th-12th grade)
Leaders: Joan Jones and Sandy Watkins
Location: Upstairs in the Youth room
Beginning the first Sunday in October, the youth will meet immediately following worship each week. We will study, play, share in mission and fellowship!


Confirmation Class (8th-9th grade)

Leaders: Joan Jones

Location: Office Conference Room

The Confirmation Class is open to any youth 8th grade and older who has not completed Confirmation. This class will explore their faith, learn what it means to be a Presbyterian, and work with a mentor.

Adult Faith Formation
New Adult Faith Formation Opportunity
Location: Adult Education room
From October 17-November 14, members of the congregation will share stories of their faith journey followed by reflection time by class members. This group meets after worship on Sundays.
Men’s Bible Study
Location: EPC kitchen or by Zoom
The EPC Men’s Bible Study group meets to grow deeper in faith through exploring scripture. They meet on Thursday mornings at 7:30am.  You may come in person or join by Zoom.
Scuffletown Ladies Bible Study
 Location: member’s home
This group meets monthly on Friday evenings for fellowship, dinner, and Bible study.
Women’s Circle
Location: members’ homes
 The Women’s Morning Circle meets the second Thursday of each month at 10am.  Our Horizon’s Bible Study this year is entitled What My Grandmothers Taught Me… Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus. Women of all ages are invited to join us as we seek to nurture our faith through worship, study, friendship, and outreach.
Women’s Connect Group
Location: EPC classroom
 As the name implies, this group is about fostering connections with one another through study, prayer, discussion, and fellowship. We use book studies, topic-based discussions, and current events to explore our faith and learn from each other. Connect meets on the second Sunday of each month at 11am following worship. Our fall book is Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor.