Welcome: History

Original Steering Committee
Eastminster Presbyterian Church History
History of Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Eastminster Presbyterian Church was started as a new church development project of Foothills Presbytery. In our history, we have become a viable presence in the Greenville and Simpsonville area. The first service was held in the Golden Strip YMCA in March 1999 by founding pastors, David and Tandy Taylor. The church grew quickly and was chartered in September 1999. After a 1.2 million dollar capital campaign, our building on Woodruff Road was completed in 2001. Our unique multipurpose building has provided opportunities for a variety of ministries and a community partnership with the Boy Scouts, the YMCA and neighboring churches. In 2005, the building was expanded to add additional classroom and office space. We provide Christian Education for preschoolers through adults and were happy to welcome our first Director of Christian Education in October 2010. We have supported many local, denominational, and global outreach projects. We nurture each other through small groups and our in-house system of support, Network 6.2. We enjoy annual traditions and many events, as we fellowship together. Our worship component has included adult and children’s choirs, hand bell choir, and the creation of a beautiful outdoor worship space.
MARCH 1999 – Eastminster Presbyterian Church’s first worship service was held in the gym of the Golden Strip YMCA with founding pastors, David & Tandy Taylor.
SEPTEMBER 1999 – Eastminster is chartered as a congregation with 142 members.
MAY 2000 – First worship service is held on the property.
AUGUST 2001 -First worship service is held in our present facility.

JUNE 2002 – Eastminster receives the Walton Award for Excellence in New Church Development, given by the Sam and Helen Walton Foundation through the Presbyterian Church (USA).
AUGUST 2004 – Foothills Presbytery votes to build a Presbytery office building on the campus of Eastminster; the building was completed in early fall 2005.
NOVEMBER 2005 – Eastminster moves into an expansion of it’s facility with more classrooms and office space.
APRIL 2008 – Network 6:2 was established, creating an email-based system for giving and receiving support to one another – based on Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”.
OCTOBER 2010 – Eastminster called it’s first Director of Christian Education, Steven Putnam.
MARCH 2012 – India C. (Indy) Dennis was called to be Eastminster’s second pastor.
JANUARY 2014 – Pressley Cox became the third Pastor.
OCTOBER 2020 – Beth Templeton begins serving as our Transition Pastor.
MAY 2022 – Rev. Stephanie Dion was called to Eastminster as our fourth Pastor.