Session Leadership

Susan Key

Nurturing Faith Ministry

Susan Key was born in Louisville, KY, spent much of her childhood in Florida, and has lived in Greenville for 24 years. She and her husband Chas have a son, daughter, and a dog named Lizzy. Susan was a teacher and principal throughout her career in education.  She now volunteers with the South Carolina PTA and sits on the state board. In her free time, Susan loves to travel, spend time at their beach house, visit family and friends, bake, and read. Susan is a newer member of Eastminster but has enjoyed being on the Communications and Evangelism Team and being a liturgist. At her previous church, she stayed active teaching Sunday School, chaired VBS, was a Senior High Youth Advisor, and a member of multiple groups.

Heath Cobb

Personnel Team 
Coming Soon…

Barb Yutrzenka

Caring Outreach Ministry
Coming Soon…

Greg Keller

Property and Grounds Team

Greg Keller is originally from Pennsylvania but has lived in many other states and moved to Greenville in 1998. Greg has three children (19, 17, 13) and one frisky cat that calls the garage home. Greg spends time working on the house and cars, loves a good challenge, and spends his days helping people with IT issues and creating spreadsheets to organize data. He enjoys listening to music, often attends concerts, and likes to travel.  “Attending Sunday service is the perfect beginning to my week.  I’ve very much enjoyed the friendships I’ve made as well as being a part of the AV team. The body of the church and fellowship is what makes Eastminster special.”

Eileen Osteen

Fellowship Team

Eileen Osteen is originally from Long Island, New York, and moved to Greenville in 1985 when Michelin relocated their North American headquarters.  She has one daughter, Kaylee, and three cats (Mickey, Minnie, and Buttons). Eileen recently retired from Michelin after 37 years (July 2021), where she was the Director of Sales for the Travel Publications division. In her free time, she enjoys golf, dancing, pickleball, reading, and cruising. Eileen loves being a part of the EPC family.  She has served on the Fellowship, Finance, and Stewardship Teams, and recently joined the Outreach Team.  Her personal favorite is working on the EPC Bistro.  “It’s a blessing and pleasure to be around so many warm and loving people.”


Gregg Campbell

Finance and Administration Team

Gregg Campbell is originally from Pittsburgh, PA, and has lived in Greenville for 23 wonderful years. His son’s family (three granddaughters) lives in California, and his daughter’s family (two granddaughters) lives in Bussellton, Western Australia. Gregg worked as a Chemical Process Engineer, later Manager, in the Polymer/ Petrochemical/ Refining/ Pharmaceutical Engineering and Construction field. He now likes to spend his free time working on Genealogy, history, reading, traveling to new places, and enjoying time with his five granddaughters! Gregg has been a long time member of the EPC Finance Team and enjoys his involvement in the music ministry (choir and handbells).

Jennifer Ellis

Communications and Evangelism Team
Jennifer Ellis is originally from Massachusetts, but has been in South Carolina for 19 years. She has two dogs, three daughters, and works as a family physician in Simpsonville. She loves spending time with her family, running, gardening, traveling, yoga, and getting away to the mountains. Jennifer has enjoyed participating in and leading Bible studies at Eastminster and has loved working with all ages of children, helping to teach Sunday School and assisting with special children/youth events. She and her family have been members for 18 years and she has also been a member of the Communications and Evangelism Team, and Congregational Care.

Alan Calloway 

 Property and Grounds Team

Alan Calloway was born and raised in Greenville, SC and has been a member of Eastminister for 12 years. Alan has two sons:  Alan Jr. (AJ) who is 8 years old and George Anthony (Georgie) who is 5. Alan has worked with his older brother, Edward, and his father, Jerry, as a Project Manager for CEC Construction. Alan is also the 2023-2024 president of The Reedy River Rotary Club. Alan enjoys hiking and live music events with his friends and family. Alan’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28 — “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Anitha Samuel

Christ Centered Worship

Anitha Samuel was born in the southern part of India in a city called Chennai. She graduated from Madras University with a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Computer Applications. She enjoys painting, sketching and gardening in her free time. She grew up in a Lutheran Church where her parents and grandparents were active members and taught her the importance of faith and trusting in God. She and her husband Sudhir have been married for 24 years. They moved to the US and Sudhir’s job eventually brought them to Greenville which they are blessed to call home now. They have been members of Eastminster for the last 20 years and their daughters Roshni (Junior at USC) and Sanjana (Junior at Riverside High) grew up at Eastminster from baptism to confirmation and have loved being part of the youth ministry. We felt so welcome and at home at Eastminster and are thankful to God for They are grateful for God’s faithfulness in leading them to Eastminster where they have found a home and a place to learn, grow and struggle with their faith amongst fellow believers. In spite of her fears and inadequacies, she trusts and prays that God will use her as He sees fit. She finds it a privilege to serve on the session at Eastminster as we strive to serve the church family that God has blessed her family with.

Martha Shaleuly

Congregational Care Team

Martha Shaleuly was born in Greenville and raised at Westminster Presbyterian formerly serving as an elder. She attended Coker College and the University of SC. She taught early childhood, elementary, special education, helped found and taught at the 1st school in Greenville for children with specific learning disabilities, and before retirement worked at Furman University as an instructor/Director of SC Teaching Fellows. She has been married to her husband Jerry for 30 years and together raised five sons who are all now adults. Joining EPC, only one year ago, it was quickly obvious to her that being here was not about size or money but about the vision that this small congregation has. It is about the faith we hold here, the faith that, with the help of God, no task is too great. She has found her family of faith at EPC who have accepted and included her, and trusted and encouraged her to use her gifts in so many ways. She is honored and humbled to serve on the Session, but also excited for another challenge, more opportunities to give back the blessings that God has given her.

Mark Smith

Stewardship Team

Mark Smith grew up in northern Virginia and attended Purdue University in Indiana, obtaining a BS and MS in chemical engineering. He served six years in the Army Reserve and spent the majority of his career in the process chemical pilot plant field which brought him to the Upstate with his wife, Brenda, daughter, McKenzie, and son, Hunter. He finished out his chemical engineering career as plant manager retiring in 2005. In retirement, Mark enjoys narrating audiobooks and has over a hundred available online – most available for free on; he is an avid board gamer and has been actively designing them himself; and having grown up in Civil War country, he maintains an abiding interest in military history. Mark joined EPC in 2019 after a lifetime as a Methodist. He has sung in choir wherever he has been, so joining EPC’s was a natural fit. When askedout about serving on the Pastor Nominating Committee, he felt a definite urge to be part of it. He ended up helming the committee, which brought our Stephanie to us (!!), and is finally “getting” the idea that God has some intentions in our lives, and we should discern and support them. He is looking forward to finding a path to serving as an Elder.

Elaine Campbell

Clerk of Session
Coming soon…