Welcome: Our Session


The Session of Eastminster Presbyterian Church consists of our pastor and the elders in active service. The Session is governed by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Elders serve 3-year terms, and each year the congregation elects a new class of elders to replace the outgoing elders.

 Session Ministry Teams

The Session of Eastminster recently restructured session ministry teams to reflect
our Five Core Values of Compassionate Hospitality, Christ-Centered Worship,
Nurturing Faith, Caring Outreach, and Generous Community. We feel that this
structure reflects who we are and how we function as Eastminster.
Please consider joining one of the teams! We encourage church participants to suggest other opportunities for sharing talents and involvement as well.
Clerk of the Session Elder Elaine Campbell
The Ministry of Compassionate Hospitality is to enhance the congregation’s sense of oneness as believers in Christ through a wide variety of events and activities that provide for Christian interaction among members and visitors. This ministry helps build authentic connections between people and engages in forms of care for the congregation. This ministry is also responsible for organizing the congregation to reach out into the community so that all might know and experience the love of Christ and be invited to live the life of faith through this congregation.
Fellowship- Elder Eileen Osteen
Communications and Evangelism- Elder Jennifer Ellis
Congregational Care- Elder Martha Shaleuly
The Ministry of Christ-Centered Worship is to oversee all aspects of the church program that provides and supports a variety of opportunities for the worship of God, which is the central part of the congregation’s shared experience as followers of Christ.
Christ-Centered Worship- Elder Anitha Samuel
The Ministry of Nurturing Faith seeks to embrace virtually all of the congregation’s programs of teaching and instruction, along with related support and training services that enhance and strengthen the faith formation for children, youth, and adults.
Nurturing Faith- Elder Susan Key
The purpose of the Ministry of Caring Outreach is to fulfill the “Great Commission” of making disciples through providing witness to the love and concern of the living Christ by ministering to those in need in our city, state, and country, and throughout the world. This ministry is responsible for providing the necessary leadership, oversight, and training to organize and encourage active congregational participation in mission and outreach.
Caring Outreach- Elder Barb Yutrzenka
The function of the Ministry of Generous Community is to provide support for and review and oversight of all church staff, property and grounds, finance and stewardship.
Finance and Administration Team- Elder Mark Sucher
Stewardship Team- Elder Mark Smith
Personnel Committee- Elder Heath Cobb
Property and Grounds Team- Elder Greg Keller and Elder Alan Calloway